How to Prevent Diaper Rash - The Hacky Homemaker

My Top 3 Secret Weapons! How to Prevent Diaper Rash

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One of the most common sample items in every swag-bag I picked up during my two pregnancies was diaper rash cream. And I still have most of them because thankfully I’ve never needed to use them!

They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So here are my top three secret weapons to prevent diaper rash before it happens.

Secret weapon #1: COCONUT OIL

You might already know that coconut oil is nature’s own skin balm. It provides antioxidants, cleanses, moisturizes, minimizes the signs of aging, and boosts nutrients.

But did you know that coconut oil also contains the same lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid, that gives breastmilk its infection-fighting superpowers?

Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. So when you apply it to the diaper area, it can protect and fortify baby’s skin, shielding against pathogens that could lead to infection and diaper rash.

Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. So when you apply it to the diaper area, it can protect and fortify baby’s skin, shielding against pathogens that could lead to infection and diaper rash.

Not to mention that just a thin layer of coconut oil makes that sticky, tarry poop in the first few weeks SO much easier to clean up! The last thing a sleep-deprived mama needs is to spend ten minutes and a half pack of wipes on one middle-of-the-night change.

With a melting point of 75 degrees, just a little dab of coconut oil spreads easily and can make this a one-and-done (then back in your warm bed) job!

Great! I’ve already got some in the kitchen!”

Well, hold on just a moment… The best type of coconut oil for baby’s delicate skin is one that’s organic, virgin, and cold-pressed, like this one by Nutiva. The less processing it goes through, the more beneficial nutrients it retains. Especially when using it in that tender area, you don’t want just any kitchen variety stuff you might be using in your cooking.

But don’t worry! You don’t need to keep the large unsightly jar up on your changing table. I like to keep a small, pretty glass jar with a cork lid, like this one, filled with just a few spoonfuls standing by. This is easy to empty, clean, sanitize, and then refill on a weekly basis.

BONUS HACK! Tie on a pretty ribbon in a color that complements your nursery’s theme!

Secret weapon #2: the classic AIR DRY

Once you’ve taken off baby’s soiled diaper and cleansed that bum of all the muck, take a second to let it air dry. My baby loves when I use the new, still-folded diaper to fan her cheeks. I love to hear her little giggle! But more importantly, it gets all the moisture gone, leaving no place for bacteria to repopulate.

Secret weapon #3: SILICONE SPATULA

I count this as one of my (link) Top 10 favorite baby shower gifts!

This nifty “bum brush” keeps your hands (and their germs!) off of baby’s backside AND prevents you from needing to scrub diaper goop from under your fingernails after every change! Easy to scoop, soft on the tushy, just wipe it clean and stand on its end to avoid more mess and cross-contamination.

Or if you prefer a less expensive but just-as-effective alternative, try this silicone jar spatula with a big one for home and a smaller one for the diaper bag.

Or for the times when you need something single-use and disposable while out and about, these wooden tongue depressors are perfect to get the job done.

Whichever you choose, you definitely want something with no creases or crevasses where germs can get caught. The one-piece silicone is a snap to wipe clean, wash with soap and water, then steam sanitize in the microwave.

Bonus secret weapon: THE GOOD STUFF

No matter how well you prepare, sometimes life comes at you anyway. Sickness, blowouts, sensitivity to a new food, even a long car ride can cause unwanted irritation to rear its ugly head on baby’s behind.

Anytime my baby has gotten even a hint of redness, I give those cheeks a little dab of this hospital-grade diaper rash cream, and it clears right up before the rash gets too bad.

The unique health properties of coconut oil help prevent the occurrence and spread of diaper rash. Apply a thin layer using a clean applicator on your baby’s diaper area every time you change him.

What are some of your tried and true remedies for preventing diaper rash? Let’s continue the conversation in the comments below!

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