A purple smoothie in a mason jar mug sits on the kitchen cabinet with a straw, ready to drink - Recipe: My Anti-inflammatory Morning Smoothie - The Hacky Homemaker

Recipe: My Anti-inflammatory Morning Smoothie

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When you’re ready to make small changes towards a healthier diet, smoothies are such a great meal replacement option! Sweet and healthy, they can help improve your diet without feeling like you’ve completely submitted to eating rabbit food for the rest of your days.

Especially when mornings get busy, a smoothie breakfast is quick to prepare and easy to take on-the-go.

And the options for changing up your smoothie flavor are positively endless! So you could end up having a smoothie meal several times a week without ever feeling you’re in a rut!

This Nutribullet is my favorite blender for smoothies! Once it’s done blending, just give the blade a quick rinse, screw on the included to-go lid, and be on your way!

That convenience means I have no excuses for not starting the day off with a healthy breakfast!

The basics building blocks of a healthful smoothie

The beauty of a smoothie is it’s versatility. Different combinations of fruits, veggies, and additions can lead to a huge variety of colors, flavors, and health benefits.

If this is your first time building a smoothie at home, stick to these basic building blocks…

  • A handful of dark, leafy greens – fresh or frozen
  • A few scoops of yogurt
  • A variety of fresh or frozen fruits
  • Ancient grains, spices, and/or seeds
  • Liquid, such as milk, almond milk, or water

And of course, any of those ingredient options can be omitted or substituted. Just be aware that doing so will obviously change the consistency and flavor of your smoothie.

BONUS HACK! Got extra or leftover jars of baby food?
When my baby finally moved on to solids for good, we still had a few leftover jars of baby food… mostly mixes of mashed fruits and veggies. You can sub this into your smoothie in place of the frozen fruits, and add some frozen milk cubes instead of liquid. This makes your smoothie even creamier, and keeps you from wasting unused food!

What is inflammation and why is it bad for me?

Inflammation is the response of your body’s immune system to an irritant. While that’s generally a good thing (white blood cells attack germs to prevent infection), in some people it can become chronic.

Particularly in our diet, we sometimes make choices that are momentarily indulgent, but maybe not perfectly healthful in the long run. Fast food, processed foods, and foods to which we may be sensitive can set off the immune system’s inflammatory response.

Chronic inflammation like this can lead to the buildup of fatty, cholesterol-rich plaque in our arteries. That can lead to further health problems down the line, like heart attacks and stroke.

So it’s smart to be kind to our body and give it a chance to ‘reset’ by introducing ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties.

The Hacky Homemaker Proven Hacks To Sneak Healthy Ingredients Into Kids Meals

Looking for more ways to get your kids to eat healthier?
See my 17 Proven Hacks to Sneak Healthy Ingredients into your Kids Meals – including this smoothie!
Kid-tested and approved hacks (and 3 that failed!)

What are some of the best anti-inflammatory smoothie ingredients?

Start your day off right with a heaping dose of superfoods! Add 2-3 of these anti-inflammatory ingredients to your next smoothie, and feel the health benefits all day long!

If you’re a beginner with making smoothies, start off with my own specialized recipe below. Once you get used to it, feel free to mix things up using the above formula and ingredients.

The possibilities are endless!

If you make this recipe and love it, be sure to share a pic and tag me (@TheHackyHomemaker) on social media!

A purple smoothie in a mason jar mug sits on the kitchen cabinet with a straw, ready to drink - Recipe: My Anti-inflammatory Morning Smoothie - The Hacky Homemaker

My Morning Anti-inflammatory Smoothie

Leafy greens, dark berries, grains, seeds, and warm spices make this smoothie a delicious grand slam of health!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast
Servings 1 serving


  • 1 handful baby spinach fresh or frozen
  • 3 tbsp plain, nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 3 tbsp oats
  • 1 cup dark berries frozen
  • ½ tsp ground turmeric
  • 1 tsp white sesame seeds
  • 1/2 tsp ground flaxseed
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¾ cup almond milk unsweetened


  • Combine all ingredients into a blender cup.
  • Blend to desired consistency.


  • For thicker consistency, try adding more frozen ingredients.
  • For thinner consistency, try adding more milk.
  • For creamier consistency, add more yogurt or a banana.
  • If serving to a child under the age of 1 year, omit the honey.
Keyword anti-inflammatory smoothie

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