How to Save Money on Groceries - 23 Hacks You Need to Know - The Hacky Homemaker

How to Save Money on Groceries: 23 Hacks You Need to Know!

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I’ve never yet met someone who didn’t want to know how to save money on groceries.

Especially now, with food prices soaring, the grocery budget is probably one of the first places you’ll look to cut costs.

Thankfully, that’s not so hard to do! With a little bit of planning and discipline, these hacks could easily save you hundreds of dollars on your next few grocery store visits.

Here are 23 hacks proven to help you learn how to save money on groceries.

23 Hacks to Help You Save Money on Groceries

Once you know what you’ve got, you’ll know what to get!

Hack 1: Keep your stock organized

Knowing what you already have before you shop prevents you from buying more than you need. Pay close attention to expiration dates, and plan to use up any food items before they’re past their prime.

Looking for practical methods to keep an organized inventory of your pantry? Check out this easy-to-implement Pantry Inventory system from New England-based homesteader, Suzan.

Hack 2: Set a budget and stick to it

Take a good hard look at how much you have to spend. Try not to spend outside your means.

This might mean you decide to carry a set amount of cash and no cards with you to the grocery store. As you put items in the cart, try to keep a running tally of the total in your head.

This will help you make smarter choices on individual items, and help you avoid impulse buys.

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Looking for a bit of extra cash? I’ll tell you…
How I’ve Made Over $1000 Easy Money with Swagbucks
from home in just about an hour a day!

Hack 3: Meal plan for the week

If you’re new to meal planning, it can be a daunting task to take on. But so worth the effort!

By meal planning in advance, you can find recipes that include mostly ingredients you already have, so you can save money by purchasing less.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Hack 4: Make a list and stick to it!

Don’t set one foot inside the store until you know exactly what you need to buy for the week. Avoid impulse purchases, tempting sales items, or browsing while you shop.

If it helps you stay disciplined, try this: Once you enter the store, set a timer. Give yourself a set time that you need to be finished and get home.

When the timer runs out, hit the checkout and go! This helps you curtail the temptation to browse or get distracted by sale items that aren’t on your list.



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    Hack 5: Limit your shopping trips

    Instead of shopping compulsively for a few items at a time, designate one or two days each week that will be the only days you can shop. I like to do the bulk of my shopping on a weekend, when I pick up all the non-perishables and any fresh foods I’ll need for the first few days.

    Then I do a smaller mid-week run to pick up any items I might have missed on the weekend (if things were out of stock). Or sometimes I’ll wait til Wednesday to buy a loaf of Italian bread to go with the lasagna we have planned for Thursday, so it’s fresher.

    Hack 6: Sign up for your store’s loyalty program

    These savings can add up fast!

    Many grocery stores offer discounted prices on everyday items just for swiping your loyalty card. Some also offer various incentives like digital coupons you can save right to your account to use at checkout.

    Some store’s programs may reward you with points for every dollar you spend which can be used to save money on future purchases.

    Next time you’re at your favorite grocery store, visit the Customer Service desk to ask about their loyalty programs advantages and benefits. You may even be able to sign up on the spot so you can start saving right away!

    Hack 7: Use Online Ordering with Free Pickup or Delivery

    One good thing to come out of the global pandemic of 2020-21 was the uptick of stores that began offering online ordering and touchless receiving.

    Not only do these options save you time and hassle, they help keep you under budget. You’ll be able to see your total before you finish checking out, and if you’re not within budget, you can adjust your cart without public embarrassment.

    And if you’re not in the store, you can’t be tempted by the opportunities for impulse purchases, unnecessary sale items, and browsing.

    If your store doesn’t offer delivery, you can try ordering through Shipt or Instacart.

    Hack 8: Join a wholesale club

    This generally requires a nominal upfront membership fee or annual dues. But this small investment can easily be recouped in the dividends you’ll save within your first few visits.

    At these stores, opt to stock up on many of your non-perishables like paper towels, health and beauty items, and cleaning products. As a bonus, some also offer discount prices on other non-grocery expenses like fuel, vision care, appliances, or even travel packages.

    Hack 9: Buy in bulk and freeze in portions

    Buying perishable, freezable food items in bulk can save you loads of money in the long run! The trick is to have the supplies handy to store them properly.

    As soon as possible after bringing groceries home, divvy large items into meal-sized portions and freeze appropriately for later use.

    Hack 10: Freeze leftover ingredients

    These glass meal-prep containers with snapping lids make storing your extra ingredients easy-freezy!

    Made of durable, high-quality glass & using SmartestLock locking lid technology, they lock food in with an airtight seal for secure, leak-free storage.

    Even if you’ve made the most creative meal plan, you’ll probably end up with some leftover ingredients. Don’t let them go to waste: freeze them for later use!

    For instance, if you bought a jar of basil pesto sauce, but only needed half of it for Thursday’s meal, you can easily freeze the rest in 2 oz portions in an ice cube tray.

    Then when the basil pesto meal comes up in your meal rotation again down the line, you have a half-jar of pesto sauce ready to thaw and cook without having to buy again!

    Hack 11: Don’t purchase convenience if you can do it yourself

    Sometimes the difference between a higher- and lower-priced version of the same item is simply it’s convenient preparation.

    Pre-portioned snacks are an excellent example of this pitfall. As well as things like shredded cheese vs block cheese, chopped nuts vs whole nuts, and ground beef pre-shaped into hamburger patties.

    This sturdy and durable rotary grinder from Cambom comes with three bladed drums. You’ll be able to shred your own cheese, chop nuts to desired coarseness, shred potatoes for hash browns, and more! This helps you save money by not needing to purchase the more convenient, more expensive food item.

    Examine the varieties of a particular product, then opt to invest your time and save your money. If that means shredding your own cheese and shaping your own hamburgers, your wallet will thank you.

    Hack 12: Invest in a deep freezer for storage

    Stock up when it’s cheap; then, cook and serve whenever it suits you.

    If you’re already following some of the above hacks, no doubt you’re starting to run out of room in the freezer.

    A deep freezer is a bit of an upfront expense, but the money you’ll save over time makes it worthwhile.

    A decent-sized chest freezer, like this one from Wanai, will run you a few hundred dollars. But when you consider how much money you can save by storing foods you bought when they were on sale, it might pay itself off in less time than it takes you to eat through all the food.

    This extra storage room gives you the opportunity to capitalize by stocking up when sales hit rock-bottom prices. Which means you’ll have more ingredients stocked and less to buy each week.

    Hack 13: Invest in a vacuum sealer to freeze foods well

    What good is that pound of ground beef you bought at a bargain price three months ago if it’s freezer-burnt and unusable by the time you’re ready to cook it?

    Another upfront investment that pays itself off over time is a quality vacuum air sealing system like this one by Mueller. Depriving the food contents of oxygen prevents the growth of mold, bacteria, and dehydration.

    Keeping your foods uber-fresh leads to better tasting food and less waste over time!

    Hack 14: Keep freezer meals stocked

    Freezer meals are exactly that: meals made ahead and frozen for later use. By having these stocked up, you avoid the temptation to spend more by ordering quick takeout when life gets in the way of the meal plan you had prepared.

    You can commit a block of time on the weekends to prepare freezer meals in advance. Or you could simply double up some of your weekday recipes (like a slow-cooker meal), eat one half and freeze the other! So easy!

    Freeze extra ingredients after preparing your meal, or even whole meals for quick prep!

    Hack 15: Make a little extra on the weekends

    Even if you don’t make an entire meal ready to freeze, you can always make a little extra of whatever you’re cooking and put it away for later.

    In my house, we’re generally not morning people. So to keep breakfasts simple and easy to whip up fast, we often spend at least one weekend morning making pancakes, waffles, or French toast sticks.

    We cook up more than we’ll need for that weekend and freeze the rest. These are quick to thaw and easy to reanimate, so we can resort to something other than cereal for breakfast all week long!

    Mmmm…. pass the syrup, please!

    Hack 16: Try the off-brand or store’s generic variety

    Saving money doesn’t always mean sacrificing quality. Not all brand-name products can offer something unique over the generic equivalent. So in these cases, save some money by choosing the cheaper version.

    Things like water, seasonings and spices, snack foods, and cleaning products are often indiscernible swaps. (And in some cases, you might even find you like the off-brand more!)

    Hack 17: Compare items based on the price per unit

    Sure, that 12 oz jar of pickles is less expensive than the 16 oz jar of the same. But if you compare the price PER OUNCE, which one actually costs less?

    The price per unit (lb, oz, cup) is usually listed in a finer print on the left side of the shelf tag. Take an extra second to peer at them and then make the smarter choice.

    Just take a quick moment to examine the possibilities…

    Hack 18: Choose real food over pre-packaged snacks

    You can easily find recipes to create your own snacks at home. This not only saves you money but can keep you healthier, as the pre-packaged varieties often are laden with preservatives, added sugars, and other un-pronounceable ingredients.

    Consider purchasing foods that come in their own natural pre-packaging like apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, peaches, plums…

    Hack 19: Try Meatless Mondays

    Meat is often one of the most expensive items on our shopping lists. So what better way to save money than to reduce our consumption of meats?

    Meatless Monday is an international campaign that encourages people to not eat meat on Mondays to improve their health and the health of the planet.

    Are you shuddering at the thought of going completely vegetarian even once a week? Consider the plethora of alternative options such as eggs, cheese, salads, or even this amazing eggplant parmigiana recipe!

    Your wallet (and your waistline) will thank you!

    Hack 20: Opt for casseroles and soups

    Another way to limit the amount of meats you’ll need to purchase is to opt for recipes like casseroles and soups that can stretch the main meat ingredient through more servings.

    Sausage Gnocchi Soup recipe - The Hacky Homemaker

    My entire family loves this recipe for Loaded Italian Sausage Gnocchi Soup! Just one pound of ground sausage serves our family of 4 twice in one week. And without sacrificing flavor! Try it here!

    Hack 21: Get your protein through snacks and toppings

    If you opt for vegetarian meals once or twice a week, that doesn’t mean you have to skimp on the protein.

    Consider adding snacks like yogurt and nuts, or foods like cheese, eggs, and beans to your meals. These high-protein additions help you stay fuller longer without the additional cost of meat.

    So many foods are packed with plant-based protein!

    Hack 22: Try Fish Fridays

    Fish can be another less expensive alternative to red and white meats. Fresh fish could cost more. So aim for flakey-white varieties, like whiting or pollock when buying fresh.

    And don’t discount frozen fish and canned fish as valid options! My family often enjoys my recipes for blackened tilapia, poached salmon… and I can make a mean tuna melt!

    Hack 23: Substitute poultry for red meat

    You might be surprised at how many recipes can be just as tasty with chicken or turkey instead of the traditional beef.

    Meals like chili, lasagna, meatloaf, and burgers can be made healthier and cheaper by substituting poultry for red meat. Try adding a beef bouillon cube (diluted in about 1/4 cup of water), spice it up right, and your family might not even notice the difference… but your bank account will!

    The Hacky Homemaker Proven Hacks To Sneak Healthy Ingredients Into Kids Meals

    And if you’re looking for more ways to sneak healthier ingredients into your family’s meals, try these
    17 Proven Hacks to Sneak Healthy Ingredients into your Kids’ Meals!


    Learning how to save money on groceries doesn’t have to be difficult. Small changes made gradually over time can lead to big savings. And every penny saved is a penny earned.

    Implementing even just a few of these hacks could quickly add up to major savings for your grocery budget.

    What are some of your favorite hacks for how to save money on groceries? Sound off in the comments below.

    If you enjoyed this article, be sure to save it by sharing! And if you love hacks like these, be sure to sign up for my newsletter to get them delivered straight to your inbox!

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    1. I love all these tips! I practice many of these. However, I admit I do need to get better at meal planning. I feel if used in conjunction with weekly sales, the savings could be huge!

      1. Meal planning can be daunting at first, for sure! The trick is to start simple, maybe just plan one meal each weekday. And consistency!

        I should have a new post about this up soon. Will update you when I do! 🙂

    2. These are great tips. I personally try to make sure I always have staples in my pantry for quick go to recipes. I love coupons and loyalty programs, the budget part is always hard for me.

      1. Kayla… having staples on hand helps relieve decision fatigue! Well done!

        Have you tried the cash-on-hand tip here (Hack #2) for budgeting? Start with about $150/week for a family of 4. Maybe less if you’ve bulked up those staples! 😉

    3. Wow! I am blown away by all the great information you have on this post. I’m going to have to bookmark this. My biggest challenge is making a list and sticking to it!! 🙂
      Wonderful pictures too and I will definitely keep these grocery saving gems!!

      1. Thanks, Joy! (Your name comes through in your energy! :))

        Have you tried the OurGroceries app on your smartphone? It allows you to sync multiple phones with one account, so that anyone in the family can add an item to the list as it runs out, with just the click of a button! 🙂

    4. I have fallen in love with online order/store pick-up. I feel a little bit spoiled by not having to get out of my car, but I have discovered that it saves time AND money!

      1. Carolyn, I soooo agree!

        I will admit, I stopped for a little while when things started easing up last summer and fall. But with the temperatures dropping hard these last few weeks, I’ve taken it up again… and my wallet has noticed the difference! haha! 🙂

    5. What a great list of hacks! I completely agree that buying in bulk, freezing leftovers, and making double-batches of meals to freeze help keep costs down. And you are so right that we are all looking for ways to save a little money these days.

      1. Thanks, Tina! I’m so glad you liked it!

        Sounds like you’ve got a great headstart on a lot of these hacks! Keep up the great work!

    6. These are great tips. I wish my freezer were bigger so I could stock up more, or to freeze leftovers since it makes weeknight meals so much easier by reheating a homecooked meal. I also check the Krazy Coupon Lady website to see which items have the best deals each week and stock up on the freebies then.

      1. Maureen, glad you loved the hacks!

        Try this hack to save space in your freezer… store leftovers in ziplock bags and lay them flat on a cookie sheet to freeze. (Always label the bag with it’s contents, and the date it was prepared.) When you’ve done this with several items, put a magazine rack in the freezer and store them together upright like files!

        Freezing them flat and thin allows for quicker thawing later too! 🙂

    7. Oh! I need this in my life! Lol I have tried so many times to meal prep and save money on groceries but I always go over on my budget! It is so hard, but you have some really great pointers! Also I didnt know you could freeze those glass containers. I have some and I never use them in the freezer!

      1. Dawn, we’re so glad you liked the hacks!

        Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific glass containers. Most glass is freezable. But you should always be careful about swift temperature changes. For example, it’s not advisable to put hot contents in a glass container and then transfer that to the freezer. Nor is it advisable to transfer frozen glass containers to the microwave or oven without the chance to gradually reach room temperature first.

    8. This is such an awesome post! I am usually pretty savvy about saving money on food, but I walked away with some tips that I hadn’t thought of before.

      1. Spring, we’re so glad you learned something new with this post! It’s my philosophy that there are always new hacks to be discovered! 🙂

    9. We had not thought of freezing extra ingredients. Thank you for sharing these great hacks!

      1. Lisa, Casey, and Barrett,

        It’s my pleasure to share these hacks! Glad you found them useful! 🙂

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